Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sum-grater sounds like cheese grater

I am nearly 30. That is totally cool with me. I figure that you're taken a lot more seriously once you hit 30. Mostly, I want to take myself more seriously. Maybe if I don't wear pig-tails so often...

I am doing what I always planned on--being a wife and mother to a nice little family. I just didn't know I'd find my identity being sucked into those two awesome titles. Wife. Mom. It's nobody else's fault but my own. When somebody asks what I do, I just don't say, "college student", since I graduated (Go BYU COUGARS!). I don't say, "I do sound engineering," because I don't. I don't say, "I'm in guitar ensemble," because I'm not anymore. I don't say, "I really love writing song lyrics" because then they might ask to see some and it's been a while.

What I do say is that I'm a stay-at-home mom and sometimes I add that I'm homeschooling our that oldest son. But still, who does that make me?

As great as it is to be a wife and mom, I need a reminder that I am also more. And who I am is what I'm trying to sort out here. I am greater than the sum of my parts...I hope.

Finally, sum-grater sounds a lot like cheese-grater, and I find the connection strangely cheering.