Sunday, September 14, 2008

I always think I'm right...

Wow! I got so many great comments from the last post, I feel famous. And I've gotta add, it is totally cool with me when we disagree my awesome sister and some outstanding friends. One thing I think is true about me is this: I always think I'm right. Honestly, I think most people do. But, I genuinely WANT to know if I'm wrong, and have no problem admitting it if I find it to be the case. So, show me where I'm wrong. Or tell me I'm right. That's fun, too.

I didn't start posting political to convert the world to my view--all 8 of you. I think by speaking or writing and I couldn't think through my ideas any further without actually putting them down. Thank you so much for thinking, too, and contributing. I love it. I'm excited about some of the posts to come...Plainbellied's sure to be well-educated opposing point of view and Charity's personal Alaska perspective. Be St. Helen's, Charity. Blow your top and let us all learn from the fall-out. =)


Cacooning said...


I went back and read your post and one or two of the comments about Sarah Palin. I don't know if Sarah Palin is the best person for VP or not and I don't know what her politics are (I have yet to decide what I believe out of all of the thinsg I hear about her.) But, I totally agree with everything that you said about feminism. I think you're right. I share the same opinion. So, I think I'm right, too.


We Are A Happy Family said...

I must say that this election is terrifying to me. I feel like I need to vote for the lesser of the two evils. I loved Palin's speech it really touched me. Yet I keep thinking of 2 verses from the Book of Mormon. Jac 7:4 and Alma 10:15. hese are great speakers and debaters, thy know how to sway an audience and hide truth. There are so many things being left unsaid. I am just trying to follow the sprirt.

GrowingRopers said...

"great speakers and debaters, thy know how to sway an audience and hide truth"...i feel this way about a canadite as well, just not palin...
"educated" really depends on where you are getting that education from. if its the general media then just give up, i think.
i dont know how your always so gracous to people jumping in to correct at every breathe! your amazing!

Old Man With a radio transmitter in his car said...

To me, the presidency isn't but a tiny fraction as powerful as the nine old geezers who sit on the supreme court. A real tiny fraction. Ultimately, it is those nine geezers who have a much greater long-term impact on what the country ends up doing and being. Hence, I don't sweat the issues the candidates claim to espouse as much as I look at the kind of person they will be likely to appoint to the Supreme Court if they become president. In this case, the difference between the McCain/Palin ticket and the Obama/Biden ticket is so crystal clear it amazes me. We have no control over the Supreme Court's decisions except by choosing the president who will select their successors. In this day of media pundits and fractured social opinion, there is no way any constitutional amendments on ANYthing will ever be passed, so the Supreme Court is really the dictatoriral power. Hence, we should choose our "future Supreme Court justice" with care by looking very closely at who we vote for president. Just another $0.02 which because of inflation isn't worth a red cent anymore...