Tuesday, July 8, 2008

2 Main Reasons

There were two main motivating factors for me starting this blog and doing it the way I will.

1) The commencement address Elder Ballard gave at BYU Hawaii earlier this year. Read your Ensign this month for a recap. Here's the link. http://www.lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=2354fccf2b7db010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD&locale=0&sourceId=72443645a2cba110VgnVCM100000176f620a____

2) I read Karalenn's blog and thought it was so great how she was painting and putting her pictures up. Karalenn, you've been my secret hero ever since you made a giant paper mache tree in your living room to "spruce" up the drab Wymount apartments. (Okay. I don't remember you using the pun, but the tree was awesome!) I don't paint, but I write a lot more than most people know. So, I'll be putting some songs and stories and essays on my blog. You inspired me! Plus, you fringed your daughter's football uniform and you made her baptismal dress. "And the Coolest Mom Award goes to..."


Melissa said...

I totally agree -- Karalenn is the coolest!! I wanna be just like her when I grow up :)

Of course, Sum I think you are pretty awesome too. You've been amazing and inspiring me for years!

Karalenn Hippen said...

Who's this Karalenn person you know. Sounds too good. Maybe you see only pieces of her. :) Silly. Well I'm super excited you started a blog and it's been fun reading through and I completely agree about your post above about that mean sniper. Too true! We've got a top secret family blog that doesn't show my art projects on it I can send you a link to so you can get more updates about family stuff. I'll email that.