Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Did I say that?

Do you ever find yourself saying things as a parent that you never expected to hear come out of your mouth? I remember first having this discussion with my older sister when she was forced to instruct her young daughter, "Don't eat the poo!" and "Don't flush the bunny down the toilet!"

Today, I had to tell Curly Fry "No cars in the guitar!" while I struggled to get the little matchbox car out through the soundhole of my guitar. (That's what I get for leaving it out, I guess.)

What kinds of things have you been surprised to tell your children?


dubby said...

We had a mixer built in 1930 that was my grandfather's. It weighed about a hundred pounds and had a little hole in the front of it just the right size for a small finger to go in and not come out. Allen had a habit of getting his fingers stuck in the holes of the laundry basket and I had to cut him out several times. So I told him there was a spider living in the mixer so he shouldn't put his finger in there. I hated to lie, but he was the type that if I said "Don't do it" he would do it just to see. And the thought of lugging that huge mixer to the doctor with a finger in it and a four year old attached was pretty scary. He admitted after he grew up that he always really knew there wasn't a spider, and he was really tempted to put his finger in there to prove me wrong, but there was that little bit of doubt...

Melissa said...

Almost every day there something I never expected to say. Just a few minutes ago it was "Don't put yogurt in your hair!"

Unknown said...

Just the car in the guitar line reminded me of 2 Sundays ago when Andrew was putting his cars in the hole where the organ pedal is. "Dont put your cars in the hole that holds the organ pedal?" I know Ive said some other strange things- mostly about bodily functions-but we wont go there!!!

Shawna said...

There was this one time when Grace was little I had to tell her not to take my postage stamps and stick them on things. I had a dresser that was decorated with all of my stamps. It was my fault that I left them out. I know Pat has had to tell the girls not to stick any toys in the toilet.

marita sarelli said...

I've been trying to think of something funny to include, but it's not happening. I'm probably just too cranky after back to back nights of chipper children from 2:30-6:30 am. So, as the second of six children, I am most surprised to hear myself say, "Just let him have whatever he wants to keep him quiet!" I wish I had been more easygoing with my older children and I wish I were a little more disciplined with my younger kids.